Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Ways to Increase Your IQ Using Nutrition

By []Kadra Adams

The most obvious thing you can do to increase your IQ is to increase your consumption of healthy fruits and vegetables. Many of us understand the significance of this, but its probably true that only a few of us actually practise it. You see, when you consume better foods in fruit and veg, your mind will immediately become clearer. You will feel your body start to become more relaxed and sometimes a feeling of smoothness and tranquility will seem to descend over your whole being. I believe this effect happens from the rich quantity of vitamins and minerals which these types of foods contain, leading to overall positive physical benefits as well.

A notable mention should also go to Vitamin C which is a very common and important tool for the body and mind. Daily consumption of vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) as its called in the scientific community, is a must for optimum mental function, because the body doesn't actually produce it itself. Consuming Vitamin C will help you to keep your brain ticking like a fine Swiss watch.

The next tool is the consumption of unsaturated, mono and poly unsaturated foods. These types of food contain positive fatty acids which are beneficial for the brain. You see, the brain requires a balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids in order for neuronal connections to keep their vitality. Whenever an imbalance happens, a decrease in thinking power and overall cognitive ability will start to happen. Thus, when you consume good fats, the balance is kept. Most of us consume more Omega 6 than Omega 3, found in foods like fries, crisps, pastries, cakes and the like. To receive Omega 3, we must consume foods like olive oil, fish skin, peanuts etc.

The final tool which is an easy way to improve mental ability is to eat more fish. Fish is brilliant for keeping and creating a sharp mind, because of its high level of quality Omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids contain two important compounds, called DHA end EPA (which are abbreviations for incredibly fancy scientific names which I won't pronounce). 1-2 portions of fish per week is all that's needed to ensure that enough positive stimulation is provided from fish. You should be careful on some varieties of fish though. Most fish swim in waters that are heavily contaminated from industrial means. Other fish are farmed in unethical and unhealthy ways which don't allow quality fish to exist. Therefore, you should opt for the more expensive and ethically farmed breeds of fish.

In conclusion, I highly recommend a visit to the website which has many more tips on increasing your IQ and intelligence. is the world's largest and most trusted online source for IQ and intelligence increase tips. You can learn more interesting IQ increasing techniques at [] is a registered trademark.

Article Source: [] Ways to Increase Your IQ Using Nutrition

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