Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

"Probiotics and Prebiotics" - Good Immunity and Digestion Secrets For Lean Body and Muscle Building

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Oluseyi_Sogaolu]Oluseyi Sogaolu

Good immunity and digestion is a sign of good and healthy living. There ere some people who fall sick frequently (almost every week) and there are others who cannot even remember the last day they fall sick or visit a doctor.

Also, there are some people that always get frequent bloating, gas, stomach aches and other digestive problems. The reasons for the differences are not far fetched. This could be as a result of the types of food intake, stress levels, sleep quality and quantity and overall general health and fitness levels. Some of these problems can even be traced back to early childhood that may include poor breastfeeding and types of diet intake during developmental years.

One basic fact about our body system is that, the healthier you eat, the less frequently you get sick and digestion problems. In other words, eating healthy food will not only boost your immune and digestive system, but also never get you sick at all. Apart from keeping fit and healthy, "Probiotics and Prebiotics are the major secrets that help a lot in immunity and digestion.

Probiotics are basically friendly bacteria and good microorganisms that are present in certain fermented raw foods. Some of these bacteria include; Lactobacilli, L. casei and Bifidus among others.

The microorganisms have the following benefits in your digestive system: -

- Increase in the production of white blood cells to reduce inflammation, allergies and other conditions.
- Improves digestion
- Increases absorption of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
- Increases immunity.
- Reduce chances of diarrhea and or constipation.
- Reduces yeast and urinary tract infections.

Having examined the importance of the microorganism, the question that now comes to mind is, "What are the good sources of these healthy giving friendly probiotics"? These are;

# 1 Yoghurt: - This must be a plain grass-fed and organic one. Steer clear of yoghurt that uses artificial sweeteners or loaded with sugar and corn syrup.

# 2 Natto, Miso and Tempeh: - They are forms of fermented soybean.

# 3 Blue cheese, aged cheddar and hard aged cheeses. These aged types of cheese are very good as they contain up to 10 billion friendly organisms per serving.

# 4 Kefir: - This is similar to yoghurt but more of a liquid form of fermented milk. It can contain 2-3 billion or more active friendly organisms per serving.

# 5 Sauerkraut: - This needs to be homemade as most ones in the supermarkets are pasteurized and kills the friendly probiotics.

# 6 Kambucha: - This is a type of fermented tea with a very strong taste. Mix this with regular iced tea when taking it.

Prebiotics on the other hand are types of foods that you can eat to help stimulate the growth of probiotics within your system. They are main soluble fiber that helps in your digestive system. They are present in Oatbran, oatmeal, inulin (not insulin) and various fruits and vegetables.

In conclusion, the inclusion of a variety of the rich foods mentioned above into your daily diet will go a long way towards keeping you healthy, strengthens your immune system and prevent sickness as well as help digestion rather than using antibiotics as often prescribed by doctors. Antibiotics are doing you the harm of killing some good bacteria in your system and potentially reducing your defenses. Take antibiotics occasionally and in cases that are life threatening which needs to be eradicated.

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Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Probiotics-and-Prebiotics---Good-Immunity-and-Digestion-Secrets-For-Lean-Body-and-Muscle-Building&id=4502509] "Probiotics and Prebiotics" - Good Immunity and Digestion Secrets For Lean Body and Muscle Building
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Mangosteen Fruit - The Benefits

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Alexandra_Nowak]Alexandra Nowak

Mangosteen is a tropical fruit that grows in humid climates of Southeast Asia, such as Thailand, Malsysia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia. The fruit is mostly referred to as the queen fruit, because of the known 40 anti-oxidants called xanthones. It is completely unrelated to mangos. The mangosteen fruit is dark purple, and, at the center there is a soft opaque white fruit. Some of the anti-oxidants are found in the rind (the area that surrounds the opaque part of the fruit). These main xanthoes are alpha-mangostin, beta-mangostin, garcinone B, and garcinone E. Other anti-oxidants can be found in the center as well as, where the opaque white fruit lies.

The rind or pericarp has been used for medical purposes for many generations. According to the stories that have been told over time, the rind was used as a tea for health problems such as bladder infections, diarrhea, and gonorrhea. There have also been some testimonials made by people that the fruit helps prevent high cholesterol, high sugar, helps joint pain, fevers, and provides relief of acid reflux-just to name a few.

The xanthones are also known to be an active ingredient in the herbal anti-depressant St. John's wort. The xanthones have been tested, and were found to inhibit serotonin-receptors. Serotonin is a hormone found in the pineal gland, which is in the brain. Serotonin acts both as a chemical messenger that transmits nerve signals between nerve cells, and it causes blood vessels to narrow. The changes in serotonin levels in the brain affect people's moods. The xanthones in the fruit provide some relief for those with depression.

In addition to the benefits of inhibiting serotonin, one of the xanthones called garcinol has been found in some people to be an appetite suppressant, useful in weight control. The xanthones or anti-oxidants are found to fight free radicals. Free radicals are one of the greatest threats to our health. Basically, free radicals are renegade (unstable oxygen molecules that collide with other particles, and tissues in our bodies). When there are too many free radicals in the body, they start attacking the unhealthy and also the healthy parts of the body. In return this causes diseases such as heart disease and cancer. The antioxidants are a shield against the free radicals. They alter cancer growth and act as anticarcinogens. See the antioxidants are chemical substances that donate an electron to the free radical, and convert it to a molecule that is harmless. Antioxidants intercept free radicals to keep them from damaging blood vessel membranes. This helps the flow of blood to the heart, and brain, against cancer causing damage. The anti-oxidants are, in short, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and anti-fungal. There have been numerous testimonials made by many people, with many health problems, however there are no guarantees. The main reason for this is because everybody is different.

I am not trying to promote the company in any way; I just want to provide some useful solid information about the company. Here is some back around information about the company. Joe Morton, started the launch of the xango juice, the juice is named after the company, Xango, which has now existed for over 7 and ½ years. They have over one million distributors worldwide. Xango has other all-natural products including vitamins, Eleviv (which improves a person's mood, helps with sleep, boosts energy, and helps with weight loss); and lotions made from the mangosteen fruit, as well. The xango juice was their first and only product for four years, which had made them a 2 billion dollar company. Xango is ranked number four in the United States domestic volume of all direct selling companies.

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Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Mangosteen-Fruit---The-Benefits&id=4480805] Mangosteen Fruit - The Benefits
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Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

5 Quick Health Tips That Your Body Will Thank You For

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Tim_Bose]Tim Bose

Many of us live very fast paced lives that we never seem to have the time to stop and think about whether we are looking after our health properly. If you are the sort of person who never seems to have enough time then the following 5 quick health tips will help you.

Tip 1: Start the morning with a short 5 minute breathing exercise. You can do this standing or lying down. The key thing is to breathe deeply to the pit of your stomach to a count of 7. Then release quickly for a count of 4.

Tip 2: Following your breathing exercise drink a glass of warm filtered water and include a slice of lemon if you have it. This will help to cleanse and lubricate your digestive system. Have another glass of warm water in the evening time.

Tip 3: Eating a meal when you are stressed out or when you're on the move is a fast track to indigestion. You will not be able to digest your food properly. Therefore, acquire the habit of finding a quiet place to sit down, relax and enjoy your meal in peace.

Tip 4: Gandhi once said that you should drink your food. Meaning the food we eat should be digested in the mouth before it reaches the stomach. Many people do not take the time to chew their food properly. They swallow whole chunks of food which does nothing but put more stress on an already over worked digestive system. Chew your food slowly and savour every flavour of the food you eat. Chewing slowly has many benefits because it enables your digestive to get the maximum amount of nutrients out of your food. It also avoids the risk of undigested food getting trapped and bunging up your intestinal tracts where toxins can breed.

Tip 5: Eating food and drinking liquids that are either too hot or too cold can affect the balance of your body. Different temperatures that are extreme can weaken the functions of the organs such as the spleen. If you eat very hot food then you can actually burn the sensitive membrane on the surface of your mouth and stomach lining. Over time this can lead to serious health complications. Before you put any food or drink to your mouth make sure it is not too hot or cold before you swallow.

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Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?5-Quick-Health-Tips-That-Your-Body-Will-Thank-You-For&id=4480317] 5 Quick Health Tips That Your Body Will Thank You For
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