By []Mark J Kinnear
We are very lucky to have such wonderful brains. Our brains store the memories of a lifetime for us to recall whenever we like. We can imagine all sorts of amazing things with the sheer power of our imagination. We can perform multiple functions automatically such as breathing, blinking, making our heart beat etc. It is surely the ultimate super computer. It will be some time before man can come anywhere close to mimicking it's complexity using crude silicon chips and transistors.
However, all the fast paced and fancy brain functions that our grey matter performs so effortlessly comes at a price. Our brains require a lot of energy to keep them working at their optimum. There is a lot going on with our brains at a constant rate. Even when we sleep our brain is extremely active. All this activity needs a lot of the good stuff to keep it well oiled and promote good brain health.
So What exactly is the good stuff for brain health?
Basically the good stuff is the right kind of food our brains need. We need lots of glucose to fuel the brain. Glucose comes from the various sugars that we eat. Some sugars are broken down more quickly and transformed into glucose faster than others. But we also need the right kind of fats. Fats make up a large part of our brain, but not trans fats - the kind we get from greasy chips and so on. Trans fats are man made and don't exist in very many other places in nature. The process to create trans fats involves converting liquid fat into a solid which can be used to add bulk to foods and help to increase a foods shelf life. This is bad news for our brains in modern times as we are consuming too many trans fats on a daily basis and this has a negative effect on our brain functions and infrastructure.
So just as we are saturated with information about eating a healthy diet to keep our bodies in optimum condition so we are equally responsible for our brains in the same respect.
It may be a cliché, but it seems that the age old saying of healthy body, healthy mind, rings true in this case.
Article Source: [] Fatty Acids - Omega 3 Health Benefits
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