Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

How to Speak With Influence

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Zuraidah_Ali]Zuraidah Ali

Influence is most commonly associated with power and authority. Nevertheless, let's think of ways to unravel the hidden powers of language, as we use it every day, to influence the attitude, thoughts and behavior of people around us.

Have you heard of influence tactics and influence strategies? To start, we can try to appear more 'assertive' in negotiations and tap on 'coalition tactic' in group discussions in order to win majority support. Now, how much of this knowledge have you utilized in your life as a student, employee, or participant in any kind of discussion, competitions, challenge, etc?

In bringing the topic of "influence" closer to English as a Second Language (ESL), I have decided to delineate the effects of powerful and powerless language. I shall link this interest to "politeness theory".

To illustrate powerless language which indirectly carries the effects of "influence", we can look at a common habit to use 'hedges' like "I wonder if you could"... and "Could I maybe ask you..." in our daily conversation and interaction. If you stand on the receiving end, these expressions may sound humble and less threatening to your ego and disposition. In other words, it brings about the impression of politeness and respect.

Another example is our tendency to use words or phrases which 'minimize imposition' like "I need just a little bit of your time" in making requests or asking for some consideration. 'Hedges' and 'minimization of imposition' are both ways to redress face-threatening acts. They may seem 'powerless'; however, the gain is worthwhile.

In short, within the context of "influence", powerless language manifests politeness tactics which represents rituals of approach, social distance, and respect. You may sound humble and down-to-earth, yet you bring more attention to yourself. Hence, you will have more opportunity to influence the hearer of your assertion and reasoning.

Note: I encourage critical reading, critical thinking and writing via my academic blog. You can visit it and share your thoughts at http://speakup-avenue.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Zuraidah_Ali http://EzineArticles.com/?How-to-Speak-With-Influence&id=3401355

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